How To Recreate the Jump on a Budget

How To Recreate the Jump on a Budget

How to recreate The Jump on a budget

The Jump may not be the best TV show in the world, with it’s hideous ski outfits, irritating presenters and unrecognisable celebrities, but for the dedicate winter sports geek it does look great fun. Imagine if you could go on a winter holiday like that. We started to imagine and then we started to price it all up. Even without the Phil Tufnell bar bill you are probably looking at over £5000 per person and that is sort of spending you would expect from a low level Oligarch. This got us thinking could we recreate The Jump on a budget?

The Celebrities – Cost £0

The standard of celebrity on The Jump is so low that mere association with another celebrity is enough to make you a celebrity contestant. We all have a celebrity claim and in this case it is your route to stardom. For example Matt Simpson – His Dad once saw Bill Oddie at a jumble sale.

Outfits – Cost £25-£35

The outfits seem to be based on those morph suits that are popular with, stag groups and Aussie cricket fans. You can acquire one for around £25, for added realism you can accessorise with hi-vis clothing that is available from all good builders merchants.

Branding – £0

To make it seem like you are taking part in real competitions you need to brand it. Take inspiration from The Jump and use packaging that normally contains ladies hygiene products. These can then be place around the areas you are holding your events.

The Jump – £25

Ski Jumping lessons can be expensive so just hire yourself some extra long skis (£25) and head to the snowpark like the moon park in Meribel ,straightline it off a kicker and adopt the iconic ski jumping position.

Skeleton Bob – £5 -£85

For this event you will need a tray, an icy road, a stopwatch (£5) and a cardboard cut-out of Amy Williams (£80). If The Jump taught us anything then it is that the best technique for Skeleton Bob isn’t crying with fear and keeping your eyes shut. If real life has taught us anything then it is that sliding down an icy road on a tray is not sensible.

Ski Cross – £0

In the TV show The Jump they manage to reduce the thrill and excitement of ski cross to the level of fun you might expect from watching few overweight men snowblade in fancy dress. They did this by substituting the skis for snowblades and athletes for overweight men. Our advice is don’t bother trying to recreate as it won’t be fun.

Bobsled – £3

You could head to La Plagne and have a go on the 1992 Olympic Bobsled course. Sadly this cost more than the £3 budget. That is why we are recommending you buy Cool Runnings on DVD and watch it in an empty bath with 3 other people back at your ski chalet.

Ski and Snowboard Slalom – £0

There are two options here. One is to sneak onto a freshly groomed and set slalom course in the resort of your choice. The consequence of this will be getting told off by an angry pisteur or result in being trapped in that red netting when you try to get out of the course. Your second option is to zigzag between piste poles, just like you do anyway.

Air Jump – £0

New to The Jump this year is the Air Jump. This is where you ski off a kicker and onto a big soft air bag. If you are in Tignes then you can try this out for free. If you aren’t then you could always take some mattresses out of the chalet you are on holiday in and build a jump.

The total cost for recreating The Jump on a budget is £148.

Of course you will need to book a ski holiday and a buy a lift pass but we can sort out for you.


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